Exhibition during WMO Congress (Cg-19, Geneva, 22 May-2 June 2023). To provide HMEI Members better opportunities to meet and establish dialogue with the key NMHS’s decision makers and other delegates attending WMO Congress during breaks and lunch times.
Only 28 Exhibitor stands of equal size 3M X 3M stand. Reservations for the exhibit space will be on a first come first serve basis. In order to avoid any conflicts, the first 28 exhibitors will be able to get the exhibition space.
For those who are interested in exhibiting at Cg-19, please send your emails directly to CICG (contact: Cecilia ABRAMOWITZ c.abramowitz@cicg.ch) and Mathy’s (contact: Clara Anjuere c.anjuere@mathys.pro) with a copy to the HMEI Secretariat (akarpov@hmei.org, cperreman@hmei.org).