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HydroMeteorological and Environmental Industry

One Globe, One Industry, One Voice.

I. Purpose of Rules of Procedure 

Art. 1 The Rules of Procedure define the operational processes for all members of Council, the Executive, Secretariat and other constituent bodies of HMEI on how to execute the work of HMEI.

II. Organisational Regulations 
1. General Assembly: Council Members
Art. 2 The General Assembly shall elect the Council Members from its membership to form the Council Advisory Panel (CAP) to oversee the business of the Association.
Art. 3 Elections for the positions of the Council Members of the General Assembly shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Secretary during the publicised nomination period, which shall close in accordance with Section E. Council Members are elected as general members of CAP. CAP will define the individual Council Members portfolio and area of responsibility. The Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer are elected to their specific positions.
Art. 4 The Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer shall be elected for terms of four years and will form the Council Executive Panel (CEP). The Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer may be elected for one further consecutive term only. The Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer may be elected to one of the other two not previously held positions on CEP. This shall be regarded as a new appointment.
Art. 5 The Chair will preside over the meetings for the General Assembly and the Council Executive Panel. The Chair is the external voice of the Association articulating the general policies, decisions on the strategy and the management of the Association as approved by Council. The Chair assumes the duties of the Vice-Chair when the Vice-Chair is unavailable. Another council member, agreed upon by the Council, may assume the duties of the Vice-Chair when the Vice-Chair and the Chair are both unavailable.
Art. 6 The Vice-Chair will preside over Council Meetings, ensuring the Council Members are fulfilling their duties, and will assume the duties of the Chair when the Chair is unavailable.
Art. 7 The following criteria for choosing the Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer should be reasonably applied, considering the number of available candidates:

1. Experience and qualifications of the candidate;
2. Equitable global geographical distribution;
3. Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer should not be elected from the same market category of members, or from the same group of companies.
4. Experience in working at the HMEI Council will be an advantage.

Art. 8 The Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer must be exemplary in their leadership and adhere to the WMO-HMEI Code of Ethics. By their position, the Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer must represent the interests of the general membership and not use their position on Council for their own personal interests or the interests of their individual company or group of companies.
B. Executive
a. Responsibilities
Art. 9 The Executive is comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretariat staff under the direction of the Executive Secretary and is responsible for:
1. Reviewing Member concerns;
2. Leading the development of strategy;
3. Assisting and supervising the Secretariat with the day to day operational decisions;
4. Setting the Council Meeting agenda;
5. Conducting or appointing a committee, selected from Council, to conduct a formal review of the Secretariat staff that includes an evaluation of performance and review salary on an annual basis;
6. Monitoring Council Members in performance of their duties.
7. Further, the Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer are responsible for ensuring annual reviews of Secretariat staff are performed.
b. Meetings
Art. 10 The Chair is responsible for calling all meetings of the Executive and setting the agenda. Other Council members may request that the Chair hold a meeting for the Executive based on HMEI business needs. The Executive will meet at minimum once per Quarter to review the operations and to plan future work of the Secretariat. The Executive will communicate or meet one week prior to the Council Meeting to set the agenda.
C. Council
Art. 11 The Council is made up of a body of elected Councillors, including the HMEI Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer.
Art. 12 A Councillor will be elected and serve a term of four (4) years. A maximum of two Councillors may be from the same company or group of companies, provided that the company or group of companies have two memberships in good standing. This only applies if no other member is nominated to run for the council position.
Art. 13 Elections for a Council position of the General Assembly shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Secretary during the publicised nomination period, which shall close in accordance with Section E, Election of Chair, Vice-Chair and Councillors.
Art. 14 Should a Councillor no longer be employed by their sponsoring Member Company for any reason, they may continue in their position to the end of their term by mutual consent between Council and the Councillor. If mutual consent is not achieved, the Councillor will discontinue their presence on Council.
1. Powers
Art. 15 In addition to the powers listed in the relevant provision of the Articles of Association, the Council shall have the following powers:
1. Subject to the authority and direction of the General Assembly and subject to whatever power and responsibility may be delegated to another body, the Council may act on behalf of the Association with respect to all matters not specifically reserved to the General Assembly;

2. Determining the general policy and making decisions on the management and on the strategy of the Association and any subsequent modifications to them and taking decisions regarding disputes arising from their application;

3. Adoption of the Financial Regulations and any subsequent modifications to them, if any;

4. Adoption of the Staff Contracts and any subsequent modifications to them, if any;

5. Definition of broad standardisation and other relevant industrial policies (e.g., WMO technical standards, ISO standards, etc.);

6. Approval of important agreements;

7. Approval of proposals and other deliverables submitted to it by the Executive Secretary;

8. Setting the number of Council positions (constrained within the number range established by the General Assembly identified in Annex 1). New Council positions will be elected by the General Assembly. Council will decide on the portfolio and area of responsibility for each Councillor in accordance to the needs of the Association, with the exception of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer;

9. Council has the right to remove the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, or any Councillor for non-performance of their duties or breach of the WMO-HMEI Code of Ethics.
2. Meetings
Art. 16 The Council may be called by the Chair, as often as the business of the Association requires, however at least once during each year, at such times and places as may be determined by the Chair of the Council.
The Council may also be convened upon request of the Vice-Chair or any one of the Councillors. Such request is made to the Chair in writing with a copy to the Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Executive Secretary. The written request must include the reasons for which the Council meeting is being called. Upon receipt of such request, the Chair shall convene the Council without delay. If the Chair fails to convene the meeting within fifteen (15) days after the presentation of the aforesaid request, the Vice-Chair in conjunction with the Executive Secretary will convene the meeting of the Council by themselves.
The notice convening the Council meeting shall mention the day, the time and the place of the meeting, as well as the agenda. The relevant documentation relating to the forthcoming meeting shall be delivered reasonably in advance. Resolutions on items that were not mentioned in the agenda may only be taken if all members of the Council have been consulted, except in case of emergency.
Any meeting of the Council shall be called at no less than ten (10) days’ notice. Councillors may participate in a meeting of the Council by means of telephone conference or similar communications equipment, whereby all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other and such participation shall constitute presence in person.
The Council is chaired by the Vice-Chair and, in case of their absence, by Chair or, if absent, by another member of the Council.
Art. 17 The quorum necessary for the adoption of resolutions is reached when more than half of the Councillors, not counting the Executive Secretary, are present in person or by video or telephone conference or similar communications equipment. A quorum must be present at the beginning of and throughout each meeting.
Art. 18 Resolutions can be passed by the approval of a simple majority of the Councillors who are present at the meeting. In the event of a tie, the Chair (or in their absence the acting Chair) has a casting vote. Resolutions of the Council may be taken in writing, by way of circular letter, provided that no Councillor requests a discussion within the time set on the proposal. Such resolutions are adopted if they have been approved by an absolute majority of the members of the full Council, not counting the Executive Secretary. In the event of a tie, the Chair has a casting vote.
Art. 19 The discussions and the resolutions of the Council are set forth in minutes, signed by the Chair and the Executive Secretary. Each Councillor receives a copy of the minutes. The resolutions taken by way of circular letter must be included in the minutes of the following meeting of the Council. The minutes of each meeting must be ratified at the following meeting of the Council.
3. Dismissal; Reasons and Process
Art. 20 Council has the right to begin the process of removing the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, or any Councillor due to reasons of:
1. Lack of performance in their duties or;
2. Lack of attendance at Council Meetings for three consecutive months or;
3. Extended health issues that prevent them from carrying out their duties or;
4. Flagrant or repeated violation of the HMEI Articles of Association, these Rules of Procedure or the HMEI Code of Ethics or;
5. If the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, or Councillor do not represent the interests of the general membership and if they use their position for their own personal interests or the interests of their individual company or group of companies.
Art. 21 Should the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, or any Councillor (further known as the Individual), breach one or more Reasons of Dismissal, the following process may be invoked:
1. A breach by any Member of Council (herein referred to as the “Individual”) may be brought to Council’s attention by a Member, the Chair, the Vice-Chair, any Councillor, the Executive Secretary or any outside entity;

2. Council, In Camera from the Individual, will discuss the circumstances of the breach. Any Councillor including the Chair and Vice-Chair that are in the same company or a related set of companies must recuse themselves from the In Camera Session. The remaining participants of the In Camera session will set a committee of three (3) Councillors to be known as the Tribunal Committee. The Councillors on the Tribunal Committee must be from different companies, none of which are related in any way to the Individual’s company or group of companies;

3. The Executive Secretary will be a non-voting participant and will Chair the Tribunal Committee;

4. The Tribunal Committee will follow the process outlined to notify the Individual of the specific criteria of the breach at a meeting held either in person or via electronic video conferencing or a combination of both between the Tribunal Committee and the Individual;

5. The Tribunal Committee will set a meeting date in writing with the Individual providing at least ten (10) and not more than thirty 30) days notice;

6. With the Individual, the Tribunal Committee will discuss the circumstances of the breach and if necessary, create a Plan of Action to alleviate the breach within thirty (30) days. The results of the meeting will be documented and provided to the Individual within seven (7) days of the meeting. The Tribunal Committee may also decide upon explanation by the Individual that no breach occurred, and the Committee will be dissolved after reporting back to Council;

7. Not less than thirty (30) days and not more than thirty-five (35) days after the initial meeting, a second meeting will be held between the Tribunal Committee and the Individual to review the actions taken by the Individual. If the Tribunal Committee is satisfied that the breach has been alleviated, no further action will be required and the Tribunal Committee will report back to Council that the matter has been dealt with satisfactorily the Committee will be dissolved;

8. Should the Tribunal Committee decide that the Individual has not alleviated the breach at the second meeting, the Individual will be provided a second letter within seven (7) days of the meeting outlining the corrective actions expected;

9. Sixty (60) days after the initial meeting, a third meeting will be held between the Tribunal Committee and the Individual to review the actions taken by the Individual. If the Tribunal Committee is satisfied that the breach has been alleviated, no further action will be required and the Tribunal Committee will report back to Council that the matter has been dealt with satisfactorily and the Committee will be dissolved;

10. Should the Tribunal Committee decide that the Individual has not alleviated the breach at the third meeting, the Individual will be provided a third and Final letter within seven (7) days of the meeting outlining the corrective actions expected;

11. If the breach is not dealt with by the Individual within the thirty (30) days of the third meeting, the Tribunal Committee will then meet to discuss and vote on recommending to Council dismissal of the Individual. Should the Tribunal Committee recommend to dismiss the Individual, the matter is to be brought before an In Camera session of Council. The Tribunal Committee will relay the steps it has taken and the resulting action or inaction by the individual. Council can then move to and vote on the dismissal of the Individual;

12. Should Council vote to dismiss, the Individual must be formally notified and has thirty (30) days to appeal. The appeal will be done to a quorum of Council by presenting their reasons to be reinstated, either in person or by video or telephone conference or similar communications equipment within thirty (30) days;

13. Should Council vote to dismiss the Individual at the appeal, the Individual will have five (5) days to request an appeal at the next General Assembly. The Individual will have their rights as a member of Council suspended until the General Assembly hears the appeal and votes;

14. During this time of appeal to the General Assembly, Council is within its right to appoint an Interim Councillor to fulfil the required duties of the Council-dismissed Individual;

15. At the next available General Assembly, ten (10) minutes each will be allowed to both the Executive Secretary as Chair of the Tribunal or their Designate to articulate reasons for dismissal, and to the Individual who may articulate their reasons for requesting reinstatement. A simple majority vote to dismiss or reinstate by the General Assembly will stand with no further right to appeal by the Individual;

16. Upon non-response of the Individual at any stage of the Tribunal Committee review process or upon a final decision to dismiss by the General Assembly, the Secretariat must initiate an open election for the vacant Council position within forty-five (45) days.
D. Elections for Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Councillors
Art. 22 Elections for the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Councillor positions should follow the guidelines below:
1. Nominations will take place sixty (60) days to twenty (20) days before the date of the election is to take place at a General Assembly or the date of closing of the electronic voting;

2. Each nomination must be proposed by at least two members and must indicate the nominee’s consent to be nominated;

3. Forty-five (45) days to fifteen (15) before the date the voting will be opened the Nominated Candidates may campaign the membership;

4. Fourteen (14) days before the General Assembly is held, electronic voting will commence;

5. If there is only one candidate nominated for the position of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, or Councillor at the close of the publicised nomination period, the candidate will be acclaimed by written resolution;

6. Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, or Councillor will be elected by a simple majority with a minimum quorum of votes received of fifty (50) percent.

7. Council may choose to follow the guidelines above or modify at its discretion. A minimum period of thirty days (30) is the shortestallowable time for an election to be held that encompasses a Nomination period, a Campaigning Period and a Voting Period, divided into three (3) equal parts.

8. Upon being elected to Council, the Chair, Vice-Chair and Treasurer will work with the elected candidate(s) in the assignment of the new Councillor’s portfolio of responsibility. A Councillor may choose to bring other HMEI Members onto a committee they chair to complete the work assigned to their portfolio.
E. Special Committees
1. Purpose; Terms of Reference
Art. 23 From time to time, Council may initiate projects where additional resources are required to carry out the work. This work may be done through volunteers from the membership outside of Council, by volunteers outside of HMEI, by paid Consultants or through some combination of the three.
Special Committees are appointed by the Council for defined tasks by resolution. Such resolution will also define the Special Committee’s assigned task, the objectives to be achieved, the timeframe, the organisation of the Special Committee, the reporting, and the resources at the Special Committee’s disposition.
The Special Committee shall have one Council Member to lead, or participate in, or observe the work of this temporary group. This Council Member will serve as the Council representative and provide a status of the Special Committee progress to the Council Member in the role of Special Committee coordinator, for reporting to the Council.
F. Executive Secretary and Secretariat
1. Appointment; Term
Art. 24 The Executive Secretary, the Administrator and other staff as designated by Council are the only paid employees of the Association and constitute the HMEI Secretariat, working either part-time or full-time. The Secretariat staff shall be appointed through the Employment contract signed by the HMEI Chair and the employee.

All vacant positions within the Secretariat shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of the HMEI Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure.

Secretariat staff numbers and grades shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the budget.
The Secretariat shall comply with conditions of the Agreement between the WMO and the HMEI Secretariat which specifies accommodation of the HMEI Secretariat at WMO headquarters free of charge.
Staff numbers and grades shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the budget.
2. Responsibilities
Art. 25 The Executive Secretary’s responsibilities comprise:
1. Accounting for the management and finances including invoicing and collections of membership fees and tracking of the status for each Member of the Association to the General Assembly and the Council;

2. Preparing the annual accounts and the annual budget to the attention of the General Assembly and the Council;

3. Preparing the annual report;

4. Communicating regularly to the Chair of the General Assembly and the Council important information within their areas of responsibility as well as submitting progress reports to the Council;

5. Organising the meetings and supporting the activities of the General Assembly, the Council, and the Special Committees, including the preparation and distribution of the minutes of the meetings;

6. Organising and supporting the administration of written resolutions of the General Assembly;

7. Establishing relationships with external bodies and the promotion of the work of the Association as appropriate;

8. Managing the Secretariat, including recruitment of staff and their assignment to tasks;

9. Maintaining an up-to-date list of members, Councillors and members of Special Committees, based on the relevant information provided by them;

10. Representing the Association within the relevant external organizations concerning advisory or regulatory hydro-meteorological issues;

11. Managing the process of Elections for the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Councillor positions;

12. Carrying out any other task imposed on the Secretariat by the General Assembly and/or the Council;

13. The Executive Secretary shall be assisted in their tasks by the Secretariat staff.


A. Membership Classes and Rights
Art. 26 The classes of Membership and Membership fee structure is defined in Annex 2. Changes to either Membership classes or fee structure will be proposed by Council to the General Assembly.
B. Admission Procedures
Art. 27 Applications for membership shall be made in writing to the Executive Secretary who will forward all such requests to the Councillor responsible for Membership.
Art. 28 Applications shall contain sufficient detail about the applicant's status and business, together with a statement of its major products and services. The Executive Secretary, in conjunction with the Councillor responsible for Membership, shall also advise the Council on conditions and acceptability of the application for membership.
The conditions for admission to membership shall be proposed by the Councillor responsible for Membership. Full Membership will be voted on by Council and requires a simple majority for acceptance into the Association.
C. Suspension of Rights and Termination of Membership Procedures
1. Suspension of Rights for Non-Payment of Membership Fees
Art. 29 A Member’s rights and privileges in HMEI will be suspended when the membership contributions have not been paid in full by March 31 of the membership year. A reminder of payment will be emailed thirty (30) days prior to March 31 by the Executive Secretary. If payment is not received by March 31 by the Executive Secretary, the Member will have their rights as a Member suspended, including:
1 Voting rights
2 Access to Members only website;
3 Active participation on Expert Teams or Committees within HMEI or sponsored membership to outside entities by HMEI;
4 Newsletter Distribution;
5 Visibility of the member’s company products, services, and advertising on the HMEI website;
6 Discounts offered to HMEI members for Exhibition and other events;
7 Distribution of information regarding Tenders;
8 All notifications routinely sent out to members;
Should the suspended Member make full payment on or before September 1st of the membership year, all suspended rights and privileges will be reinstated back to full membership status.
2. Termination of Membership
Art. 30 A membership will be terminated if payment of fees is not received on or before May 1st of the membership year. Payment reminder notices will be emailed monthly beginning February 1st with a final demand for payment thirty (30) days before the May 1st date by the Executive Secretary.
Art. 31 A membership may also be terminated if such Member is in substantial breach of other membership duties, commits flagrant or repeated violations of the HMEI Articles of Association, Rules of Procedure or WMO-HMEI Code of Ethics, or if such Member repeatedly acts contrary to the interests of the Association.
3. Termination Procedure - Means of Appeal
Art. 32 A terminated membership shall be resolved by the Councillor responsible for Membership and the Membership Committee. The Member concerned shall be entitled to furnish an explanation to the Membership Committee.
The termination of membership shall take effect from the date fixed by the Membership Committee. The Member concerned shall be notified of the decision by email and subsequent letter.
The Member concerned may appeal the Membership Committee’s resolution to the Council. The appeal must be in writing and must be submitted to the Executive Secretary within thirty (30) days from receipt of the Notice of Termination. An appeal has no suspending effect. The Executive Secretary shall then submit the appeal to the Council for discussion and decision at its next meeting or decision by written resolution. The Council’s decision is final and will be communicated to the appellant within thirty (30) days from the date of the meeting.


A. Determination of Member Contributions

Art. 33 The contributions from each Member as defined in Annex 2 will be determined by the Council, subject to the approval of the General Assembly, according to the provisions of the Articles of Association and in application of the guidelines set forth in Annex 2 to these Rules of Procedure.
Art. 34 All member contributions are due in full, on the first day of January. However, upon request by a member, contributions may be invoiced in two (2) instalments subject to a ten (10%) percent surcharge on each instalment.
If admitted prior to 30th June, new members shall be subject to the full annual member contribution. If admitted after 30th June, new members shall be subject to fifty percent (50 %) of the full annual member contribution which will be paid on or before the Payment Due Date on the invoice.
Art. 35 Members shall maintain valid points of contact information on file with the Executive Secretary for purposes of invoicing and payment notifications. Members unable to be contacted for payment will be subject to suspension and termination of membership in accordance with the terms of Articles 18 and 19 of these Rules of Procedure. Outstanding member contributions will be annexed to the Executive Secretary’s progress report to the Council and reported at the next General Assembly.
B. Budget
Art. 36 The budget shall comprise several income and expenditure sections. Each section may be divided into subheadings and each subheading into items.
The budget shall contain all appropriate information on forecast income and expenditure, in particular, for each item it shall mention the corresponding actual figures of the previous year, forecast budget of the current year, and forecast for budget year plus one.
The budget voted annually by the Council shall comprise an income and expenditure account including at least the following:
1. Forecast incomes from the following sources of the Association:
a) Contributions and fees from members (in accordance with Annex 2 of these Rules of Procedure);
b) Income for contracted work;
c) Income from sales of publications;
d) Financial income (interest);
e) Any other incomes.
2. Forecast expenditures from the following sources of operations of the Association:
a) Salaries of the Secretariat Staff;
b) Expenses for contracted work including Professional Services;
c) Computer and office supplies;
d) Marketing expenses;
e) Travel Expenses;
f) Any other expenses.

V. General Assembly Voting Regulations

A. Principles
Art. 37 Any Member in good standing which has not had their rights suspended shall have the right to vote in meetings and written resolutions with one vote on all matters.

In urgent cases, the General Assembly Chair, in consultation with the Executive Secretary, may decide to have a resolution passed by a vote taken by way of correspondence. The Secretariat shall provide all relevant information to the members. Voting papers shall specify the final date for votes to be cast, which shall be at least two (2) weeks after dispatch to members.

B. Voting
Art. 38 Members in good standing have the right to cast votes in the following cases:

1. Dissolution of the Association;
2. Disputes arising from the application of the Rules of Procedure;
3. Amendments to the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure, including their annexes;
4. Resolutions having the effect of diminishing the members’ rights or increase the members’ duties;
5. Elections of Councillors, and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Association; and/or
6. Councillor appealing their dismissal by Council.

Art. 39 A proposal shall be approved when the percentage of affirmative votes is a simple majority of the votes cast, except where these Rules of Procedure provide otherwise. Abstentions by members present or represented by proxy, or failures to submit written votes by the specified date, shall not count as votes cast.
Art. 40 In any meeting of the General Assembly, the quorum present or represented by proxy, or, in written resolutions, the quorum of participating votes, shall consist of at least forty percent (40%) of the total number of membership.
C. Appointment of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Council Positions of the General Assembly
For appointment of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Council positions of the General Assembly, the candidate obtaining the highest number of votes at the conclusion of the election is then elected.
D. Secret Ballot
Art. 41 Secret ballot or written resolutions shall be used in the following cases:

1. If decided by the Chair; or
2. If requested by at least twenty percent (20%) eligible voters.

E. Proxy Voting
Art. 42 A Member unable to attend a meeting of the General Assembly may give its vote to another Member to cast as a proxy vote, provided the non-attending Member has notified the Chair in writing in advance of the meeting. No Member may represent or cast more than three (3) proxy votes for all matters arising at a General Assembly. Proxies are only valid for a single specific General Assembly meeting. If the General Assembly meeting is cancelled or postponed for any reason, the proxies become null and void and can only be reissued upon notifying the Chair in writing that includes the time and date of the new meeting.
F. Principles
Art. 43 Should a conflict or discrepancy between the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure arise, the Articles of Association has precedence and will prevail over the Rules of Procedure.

G. Confidentiality

Art. 44 All information designated as proprietary of a Member by that Member shall be kept in confidence by the Association. Approved through a vote by correspondence of the HMEI General Assembly, effective and signed this 4 October, 2023.

Annex 1

Number of Council Positions

1. The number of Councillors including the Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer that may serve on Council is set at a minimum of six (6) to a maximum of fifteen (15) (herein known as the “Range”).

2. Outside of the Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer, a Councillor may be elected to a Specific Portfolio with a position title or as a General Member of Council.

a. A Councillor elected by the General Assembly to Council with a Specific Portfolio with a position title will oversee a specified area of work based on the need of the Association as decided by Council.

b. A Councillor elected by the General Assembly to Council as a General Member of Council based on the need of the Association for specific skills or knowledge or to aid in general work. This position will carry the title of General Member of Council.

3. Council may add or delete specific Councillor positions at its discretion to carry out the work of the Association but must always maintain the number of positions within the specified Range.

4. Should Council declare a specific Councillor’s portfolio as redundant, the position may be removed but not the Councillor. The Councillor must be reassigned to a new position with either a Specific Portfolio or as a General Member of Council in accordance with the needs of the Association.

5. Council may choose to add a position with either a Specific or General portfolio of work by calling an election according to Articles 13 and 22 as long as the number of total Councillors including the Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer does not exceed the maximum Range.

Annex 2

Membership and Fees


1. A Member has the right to cast one vote and is entitled to all the privileges of membership providing the Member is in good standing and is current in their Contributions.

2. The Annual Membership Contribution (AMC) for the Full Membership level as required by Article 26 of these Rules of Procedure is 1,000 CHF. A new membership can be obtained at 50 percent of the AMC, when joining after June 30th in the calendar year.

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