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HydroMeteorological and Environmental Industry

One Globe, One Industry, One Voice.

Expert Team on Maritime Safety (ET-MS)

The Expert Team on Maritime Safety (ET-MS) aims to enhance the connection between meteorological and oceanographic forecasting and their users. It provides technical expertise and advice to the WMO and assists members with marine meteorological and oceanographic forecasting. Additionally, ET-MS monitors and reviews the provision of meteorological Maritime Safety Information (MSI) within the GMDSS and for other vessels not covered by the SOLAS Convention.

The ET-MS, reporting to the WMO, will work closely with technical bodies and partners like the IMO and IHO. It will provide advice to the WMO for dialogue and partnerships with international organizations and entities representing users' interests, focusing on maritime safety, including the GMDSS. The key activities that ET-MS participates in include the following:

The ET-MS will support marine meteorological and oceanographic forecasting, including extreme maritime weather, waves, sea ice, and icebergs. It will establish task teams, develop enhanced guidance on forecasts and warnings, revise manuals and guides, and coordinate with members on products and services for sea and lake ice areas. Additionally, it will develop technical advice, guidance material, and capacity-building activities related to sea ice observations and services.

The team will also maintain and develop formats and procedures for ice data exchange, coordinate feedback on IHO registries, and collaborate with the International Ice Charting Working Group on product specifications for floating ice. It will ensure effective coordination on marine service provision topics and support the review of metocean requirements.

In support of National Marine Services Focal Points and Regional Associations, the ET-MS will coordinate with focal points on meteorological information and warnings, identify regional marine service-related issues, and foster liaison between regional associations and national bodies responsible for maritime safety.

For marine climatology, the ET-MS will enhance participation with the SC-CLI, maintain linkages with projects related to sea ice in the global climate system, and support the development of integrated climate products and services.

The term of the ET-MS will be until 2023, after which the Terms of Reference, Chairs, Vice-Chair, and Membership will be refreshed. Secretariat support is provided by the WMO Marine Services Division, which handles all reporting and communications.

The complete terms of reference can be accessed in HERE

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