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HydroMeteorological and Environmental Industry

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Advisory Group on the Worldwide Metocean Information and Warning Service Subcommittee (AG-WWMIWS-SubC)

The Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service (WWMIWS) Sub-Committee is an Advisory Group within the Standing Committee on Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services (SC-MMO). It is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the provision of meteorological Maritime Safety Information (MSI) within the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), including other vessels not covered by the IMO Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention. The Sub-Committee provides technical advice and support to the WMO to fulfill its commitment to the WMO-IMO WWMIWS within the IMO’s GMDSS. The WMO works closely with the IMO and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) to ensure meteorological broadcasts are provided at least twice daily for ships at sea, helping Members fulfill their obligations under the SOLAS Convention.

The key activities that AG-WWMIWS-SubC participates in include the following:

  • The Sub-Committee will advise and provide input to the WMO on all aspects related to the GMDSS, offer technical support to enhance cooperation with relevant entities, and monitor and guide the WMO-IMO WWMIWS.
  • It will review and propose new methods to improve the provision of MSI to mariners, facilitate necessary changes in procedures, and encourage bilateral or multi-lateral arrangements between METAREA Coordinators.
  • The Sub-Committee will prepare and review guidance documents, cooperate with international organizations to improve global standards, collaborate within SC-MMO Expert Teams, and liaise with other WMO entities and industry bodies.

The membership of the Sub-Committee includes METAREA Coordinators, other WMO Members, and representatives from the IMO, IHO, IMSO, and WMO Secretariats, participating in an Ex-Officio capacity. The Chair may invite recognized Observers and other qualified individuals to participate in specific activities as needed.

The complete terms of reference can be accessed in HERE

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